Your Business is Your Most Valuable Asset, Not Just a Source of Income

Discover How to Maximize the Value of Your Business
to Harvest the Wealth That You Created

Exponential Growth Background image


of owner's net worth is tied to their business, worthless if it's not transferable


of businesses put on market can't find buyers because of unrealistic expectations


of owners planing to exit in the next 10 years, creating an extreme "buyers market"


of small-medium business
owners can expect to have maximum value exits

Only well prepared businesses can be sold for maximum value

the Reason why

Different Perspective on Business Value

As a business owner, you value the business based on personal investment, dedication and hard work, reflecting your commitment and the sacrifices made to build and sustain the enterprise. On the other hand, external investors are likely to evaluate the business through a more pragmatic lens, focusing on financial performance, market position, competitive advantage, and other factors that are critical in determining its market value.

Emotional Attachment

You've built the business from scratch - and now it's not just a company, it's a part of who you are. This strong personal connection brings you pride and attachment that goes beyond traditional financial metrics. The only issue is that the business may depend heavily on your active involvement.

Valuation Discrepancies

Also that emotional attachment doesn’t let you see the value that the market can offer - sweat, tears, and hard work don't translate into financial value. This gap between personal valuation and market valuation can be a significant challenge when it comes to selling the business, raising capital, or engaging in partnerships.

Growth Strategy

Without a clear picture of what factors determine the value of your business and how to grow it, you might miss out on great opportunities for strategic improvements and investments that could significantly improve its market position. While most business owners prioritize revenue and profit, knowing how to enhance the market multiple can lead to much greater returns on investment.

Financial Security

One of the key factors impacting valuation is how risk is perceived. As a business owner, you see the associated risks in a different way than outside investors do, due to your deep understanding of the business, its operations, and its industry dynamics. Without comprehensive exit planning and risk mitigation strategies in place, these perceived risks can not only lead to a decrease in investor evaluation of your business, but also can endanger your financial future.

Your Guide for Business Growth & Exit

Navigate the Growth

We understand the frustration that arises when realizing, after years of dedication and hard work, that your business lacks transferable value.
On the other hand, growth is challenging, especially in a constantly uncertain economy. It's risky, requires resources, and without an experienced guide, it can be daunting and potentially disastrous. Navigating the complexities of growth can feel like an uphill battle, with obstacles at every turn.
We help business owners to look at their businesses through the eyes of external investor and build assets that not only have high value but are also very attractive for investment.
We guide them through the intricacies of developing a business that stands out and thrives in the competitive market.

Portrait of Founder of Growth.Expert - Business Growth & Exit Consulting

Benjamin Rich

Founder, CEO

Serial Entrepreneur, Investor, Independent Sponsor, M&A Advisor

Here's What You'll Get, when you work with us

What the outcome looks like

Business Thrives without your involvement

Ensuring your business can operate independently is crucial for maximizing its value. Implementing strong processes and reliable systems promotes autonomy, streamlines activities, and empowers your team, boosting confidence for buyers and investors.

Creating High Value on top of Profit

Creating high value involves more than financial gains. It's about leveraging unique advantages, building a strong brand and ensuring customer satisfaction. These actions enhance profitability and make your business more appealing to investors and buyers.

You Know Value Drivers of your business

Identifying and enhancing value drivers allows you to strategically allocate resources for growth and attract premium offers from buyers. This knowledge maximizes value during a sale and strengthens your business's foundation for sustainable success.

Your Secure Financial Future

Protect your financial future from unforeseen challenges, known as "Dismal D's." Proactive planning not only protects but also enhances the value of your business, keeping you in line with your financial goals and safeguarding your legacy and peace of mind.

4 steps to grow your business for successful exit

Achieving a High-Value Exit: A Strategic Guide

Step 1:
Check Your Sellability Score

Begin your journey with our comprehensive Sellability Score assessment, designed to evaluate how attractive your business is to potential buyers. Understanding your score will help to pinpoint areas for improvement and lay the foundation for a strategic plan that enhances your business’s marketability and maximizes its value in a competitive landscape.

Step 2:
Schedule a Discovery Call

The next critical step is scheduling a discovery call. This personalized session is designed to understand your unique business needs, discuss your Sellability Score in depth, and explore your aspirations for a successful exit. This call sets the stage for a tailored action plan, ensuring that every strategy aligns with your business goals and maximizes your potential for a high-value exit.

Step 3:
Develop a Tailored Strategy

With insights from your discovery call, we develop a customized strategy that targets key areas identified in your Sellability Score. This strategy includes a detailed roadmap with actionable steps to enhance operational efficiencies, strengthen market position, and improve financial metrics. Our approach ensures that every action step propels your business toward the high-value exit you aspire to achieve.

Step 4:
Prepare For High Value Exit

In this final step, we fine-tune all elements of your business to ensure it showcases its highest potential to prospective buyers. We’ll assist you in implementing the strategic enhancements, managing financial records, and optimizing all business processes to meet or exceed industry standards. Additionally, we provide guidance on negotiation tactics and deal structuring to secure the best possible terms during the sale. This comprehensive preparation is designed to lead to a high-value exit that reflects the true worth of your business.

Choose the level of Guidance

Value Growth Services


Includes Growth Strategy, plus

Comprehensive Growth Strategy developed based on Insights from Your Sellability Score and Discovery Call

Scenario planning and prioritizing actions based on their impact on Value Growth

1:1 Zoom call after a month to review progress and address issues during implementation

Get Started


Includes Growth Strategy, plus

Transform your Mindset from Income Focused Lifestyle Business Owner to Growth Focused Value Builder

Deeper dive into Value Drivers for better Implementation of Value Growth Strategies

1 Year Coaching Program that includes 1:1 Implementation Zoom calls every 2 weeks

Get Started


To Maximize the Market Multiple applied to the Valuation, Your Business must be Transformed and Positioned as the Best-in-class

Continuous cycles of 90-day Sprints and Implementation Workshops to Establish a Rhythm for Growth Transformation

Aligning your long-term Business Vision and Personal Goals post-exit with the Performance and Involvement of your Team

get started


Comprehensive Market Analysis and Identifying Opportunities whether you Plan to Sell to Strategic buyer or Grow Through Acquisitions

Incorporate Strategic Acquisitions Pipeline Management into your Growth Strategy and Implement KPI Monitoring

Develop post acquisition Integration Strategies to leverage in Negotiation stage and Maximize the Transferable Value

get started
Start Today!

get your Sellability score Now

Whether you want to sell your business now or decades into the future, after spending just 10-15 minutes, you will:

  • Discover what's keeping your business from reaching its full potential without your active involvement
  • Identify hidden factors that may quietly drag down the value of your business so you can eliminate them before they become a problem.
  • See how an acquirer would evaluate your business, so you can focus on what matters most for the future
Take an Assessment now
"The Sellability Score explained where I currently was with my business. It gave value to specific areas of my business and showed me where I needed to improve things."

John Christian Williams


"When I first got my Sellability Score I understood that from an acquisition standpoint we had an uphill battle in convincing others to love us as much as we loved ourselves."

Steve Henderson

CEO, Henderson Data Solutions


Find answers to frequently asked questions about our business growth and exit strategy consulting practice.

Why is an exit strategy important?

Having an exit strategy is crucial because it allows you to plan for the future, ensure a smooth transition, and maximize the value of your business when the time comes to exit.

Do you offer personalized solutions?

Yes, we understand that every business is unique. Our consulting approach is tailored to your specific needs, ensuring personalized solutions that address your business goals and challenges.

What are the costs?

Our consulting fees are determined based on the scope of work required and will be discussed during our initial consultation.

How long does the process take?

The duration of the process depends on various factors, such as the complexity of your business and your specific goals. We work closely with you to develop a timeline that aligns with your needs and objectives.

How can I get started?

To get started, first get your sellability score and schedule a discovery call. We'll discuss your specific needs and develop a customized plan to help you achieve your business growth and exit strategy goals.